1. Need advise on solar panel, controller.

    I want setup 1 small solar panel(100w or less) 1 charger controller that will provide trickle charge to 3 separate battery banks.
    I cannot find a solar charger controller with 3 batt outputs.
    Any suggestions or ideias are welcome.

  2. I want to run 4 panels in series to two different charge controllers. Can I split the supply cable with a Y connector to supply two charge controllers? Or do I need to run two sets of cables for 2, two panel series into two charge controllers?

    1. Panels 1 and 2: Connect these in series to one set of cables leading to Charge Controller 1.
      Panels 3 and 4: Connect these in series to a separate set of cables leading to Charge Controller 2.

  3. I have 2, 100 watt solar panels set up to charge a portable power station, 4 years ago. Works great. Now I have a second portable power station with a different cable input configuration. I don’t plan to charge both stations at the same time, but how can I connect both charging cables to the cables from the solar panels so it is convenient to switch as needed? I have a type of Y connector from when I connected the 2 solar panels together, but I’m not sure how it is supposed to be used in which direction. Is it possible to get it backwards? I may need pictures.

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